To use this file, just put it somewhere on your hard disk and restart your computer while holding down the Command and Option keys. When asked to rebuild your desktop file, click ‘OK’.
Your icons for StuffIt Deluxe™ will then have the nice shadowing behind them like they were made to be!
INSTALLATION (The ‘Techie’ Way):
Open up the file with ResEdit and copy all the resources (ALL of them, including the BNDLs, FREFs, and binary resources) and paste them into StuffIt Deluxe’s resource fork. Then rebuild your desktop file like described above.
This file works on the method of icon vaults... for information on how to create your own icon vaults, download the documentation here on America Online.
Brought to you by:
Shekar M. Krishnan
GooseBump Graphics™ Macintosh® User Group
StuffIt Deluxe is a trademark of Aladdin Systems, Inc. GooseBump Graphics is a trademark of the GooseBump Graphics MUG. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.